Sunday, November 15, 2015

Sharp increase in demand for Egyptian citrus in China

FRESH PLAZA - 11/13/2015

The Egyptian company Fruttella, devoted to the cultivation and export of fresh agricultural products, will soon start the citrus campaign, and according to its CEO, Ahmed Sarhan, even though the fruit’s coloration has been delayed because of the very hot weather in Egypt, Fruttella is expecting a larger Navel harvest than last year and a similar one for the Valencia. The yield will be lower for the Valencia, but new lands coming into production will bring balance. In addition to Navel and Valencia oranges, Fruttella also produces lemon and grapefruit, for which Egypt is the world’s largest citrus suppliers, with 15% of the total. “Egypt’s citrus production will reach around 3.5 million tonnes, which is a little bit higher than last year,” says Sarhan. One of the big opportunities for growth lies in China, although this applies only to a handful of Egyptian companies, given the strict import protocols. “Temperature in the container, for example, cannot exceed 1.1 degrees Celsius for 12 consecutive days, and if it does, the Chinese authorities will refuse the container,” explains Mr Sarhan. Shipping to China can consequently be done only by companies with very strong quality controls.